Tag: Forum

LaborFest Forum

Administrator San Francisco Tags: ,

Press Freedom, Whistleblowers and the Case of Assange, Manning and Carmody Journalists and whistleblowers are under attack, from Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning to freelance journalist Bryan Carmody in San Francisco. When the president of the United States calls journalists “scum” and encourages his supporters to verbally and physically threaten journalists, the right of all… continue reading »

July Suds, Snacks and Socialism

Administrator East Bay Tags:

Our speakers will be KPFA journalist Ann Garrisonand special guest speaker Nozomi Hayase. Join the Peace and Freedom Party’s Alameda County chapter for the monthly Suds, Snacks and Socialism forum. All are welcome to discuss the topic of Julian Assange and Press Freedom. Doors open at 2pm. The program will start promptly at 2:30pm and will wrap up… continue reading »

Are you ready to help free Julian Assange?