Stop Twitter’s Censorship

Administrator San Francisco

In response to the June 18th suspension of Twitter accounts @classconscious1, @PhillipAdams64, #Candles4Assange events & MANY others working to free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, we will be protesting at Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco!

A line must therefore be drawn in the sand. We cannot allow pro-Assange Twitter accounts to be picked off a few at a time. If the banning of the and Phillip Adams’ accounts on the same day is part of an escalating purge of pro-Assange accounts by Twitter, then it poses an existential threat to this international campaign. It is not hard to imagine if these suspensions are allowed to stand, that, in the future crucial months of the battle to save the lives of Assange and Manning, more will soon follow. This targeted censorship will inevitably ensnare higher profile accounts, even @Wikileaks itself.

Read More at Class Conscious

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