Our Working Class Heroes

Administrator East Bay

Our aim in this forum is to continue and deepen the discussion on how Chelsea and Julian have helped build awareness of who the real enemy is, who our real friends are, and how important Chelsea and Julian are to our survival. Our speakers will be presenting their analyses of how very important Chelsea and Julian truly are.

After the presentation, we’ll have a special guest musical interlude, followed by audience participation. This is your chance to ask questions and/or comment on furthering progress in this struggle.

Our featured speakers include:

  • Gerald Smith – Organizer for Oscar Grant Committee and Mumia Ab Jamal
  • Steve Zeltzer – Host of WORK WEEK KPFA, Labor Fest SF, and Labor Video Project
  • Cecile Pineda – Poet, award winning writer, actress, and Code Pink activist
  • Ricardo Ortiz – Founding member of Frente Socialism de Puerto Rico and Labor Fest SF Collaborator

We’ll start promptly at 10:30AM and end at 12:30PM.

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