Julian’s 50th Global Day of Protest

Administrator Global, San Francisco

Julian Assange has been detained in the UK since he was 39 years old. Threatened with 175 years in prison by the US Government, Julian has spent the past 2 years incarcerated in Belmarsh Prison on trumped up charges.

Join us, during #AssangeWeek (June 26 – July 4), in a Global Day of Protest on Julian’s 50th birthday as we continue to raise awareness of his plight and call on the US Government to drop the charges against him.

On the heels of their recent visit to Oakland, Julian’s father and brother, John and Gabriel Shipton, will have just concluded their #HomeRun4Julian tour of the US. Their mission was to raise awareness of the importance of protecting whistleblowers and journalists, and to advocate for the release of Julian Assange. Whom the United Nations has declared “arbitrarily detained” since 2010. Pictures and videos of their events can be found here.

Please call the Department of Justice, (202) 353-1555, and leave a comment asking to DROP THE CHARGES against an innocent journalist for exposing US WAR CRIMES the public deserved to know about! This US persecution sets a dangerous precedent globally to journalism.

Please bring signs if you can – mainly just join us! We will serve cake!

As always, we encourage masks and social distancing in general.

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