Home Run for Julian 2021 US Tour – Bay Area

Administrator East Bay

Freedom for Julian Assange, San Francisco Bay Area Presents:

John and Gabriel Shipton, the father and brother of award-winning Australian journalist Julian Assange, as their nationwide tour stops in the Bay Area. They are raising awareness of the importance of protecting whistleblowers and journalists and calling on the U.S. government to drop its prosecution and finally let Julian come home.

Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Alice Walker will be joining the Shiptons live. Daniel Ellsberg – Pentagon Papers defendant and whistleblower, Noam Chomsky – linguist and author, and Mamia Abu-Jamal – innocent political prisoner and journalist, will be joining via Zoom.

Additional Speakers Include:

  • Joe Lombardo, National Coordinator UNAC
  • Cynthia Papermaster, CODEPINK
  • Jeff Mackler, National Steering Committee, assangedefense.org
  • Dennis Bernstein, host of KPFA’s Flashpoints
  • Nozomi Hayase, author, WikiLeaks, the Global Fourth Estate: History Is Happening
  • and more…
Sponsored By:
Freedom for Julian Assange, San Francisco Bay Area
affiliated with the National assangedefense.org

Co-Sponsored By:
Courage Foundation (assangedefense.org) • San Francisco Bay Area National Lawyers Guild
Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal • Black Alliance for Peace • Socialist Action
Code Pink, Golden Gate and nationally • United National Antiwar Coalition • International Action Center
Syria Solidarity Movement • Peninsula Peace and Justice Center • Peace and Freedom Party
Green Party of Alameda County • U.S. Peace Council • BAYAN USA • Haiti Action Committee
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee • Task Force on the Americas
Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center • Workers World Party • San Jose Peace and Justice Center
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom • Defending Rights and Dissent
Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute • Santa Clara County Green Party • Project Censored
Veterans for Peace Chapter 162 (East Bay & SF) • ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)
Party for Socialism and Liberation • Bay Action Committee to Free Julian Assange

For additional information: jmackler@lmi.net Online donations: assangedefense.org

14 comments on “Home Run for Julian 2021 US Tour – Bay Area

  1. I want The freedom for Julian Assange. My English is not good .
    I stand with Julian. Stella Max and Gabriel. I can, support this injustice politics it’s criminal. They are torturing Julian and not respect the human rights. # Enough is Enough . I’m forever with al people whose support Julian As Ange.
    Groupe Eléonore de Broissia Ghosty
    We must win the fight because Julian is a hero. Courage 🙏🌈

  2. I never stop the fight for Julian Assange. Stella Moris Gabriel and Max.
    The political is awful. We need to wake up the truth journaliste.
    We must win this fight for a better world. We need Julian become alive♥️

  3. Please tell me why my email is assumed to be “evil” now when I have only:
    1) Demonstrated for Julian and given all credits to bayaction2freeassange.org.
    2) Attended your demonstrations and had my signage during those deonstrations publisized.

    In other words,
    I have been on your side and seek to help Julian Assange in any way I can.
    Why, then, do you flag my postings in such a negative way?

    1. This is crazy, Greg- I’m so sorry! I just emailed you. I hope it goes through! I was explaining how email systems with anti-spam filters are constantly asking us to unsubscribe people. I’m not sure why you got a weird message from this site’s filter and it is so frustrating! I’m also not sure how this system is flagging your posts as we would LOVE your postings! Call me?

  4. As a former political prisoner of a military dictatorship I oppose the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States and all of the international shenanigans involved in order to keep him in jail.
    As for Assange’s politics and his reporting, he is a mix bag; some of his reporting about Latin America were very dubious and many times coincided with imperialist propaganda.
    Having said that, there’s no reason for keeping him in jail.

    1. I can only imagine all you must have gone through, Antonio, and I’m so sorry! We are grateful for you to share your support of Julian as a person who understands harsh, unfair conditions. As for his reporting, Wikileaks has a 100% accuracy history without ever needing a retraction. Julian himself is known for his accurate portrayal and concern for truth- hence resulting in his current plight for publishing truth. I hope one day for you to have a conversation with him! Meanwhile, you can write to him: writejulian.com for specific instructions. All the best and thanks again!

  5. Is the Julian Assange event on Saturday, June 6 at 2:00 pm in person or is it virtual? Are the guests going to the event in person or virtual?

    1. Thanks for asking, Myrna! The event this Sat. June 26 at 2pm is an in-person event that will be live streamed. The guests live will be John Shipton, Julian’s father, Gabriel Shipton, Julian’s half-brother and Alice Walker. The presenters live via Zoom there will be Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky & Mumia Abu-Jamal. All is on the flier/graphic for the event on our events page if you want to share it. Fyi- to livestream – just click the “livestream” button on the event after it starts. Hope to see you there!

  6. I will be in attendance in Oakland. Just a tip, but your flyer is a black background and I cannot print it out because it will use all of my black ink, which is expensive for a working class supporter. Also, black background is hard to read, despite its dramatic appearance.

    1. You are absolutely right and we apologize! The graphics displayed are not usually made for print– but they should be. Thank you and thanks for supporting Julian Assange!

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