Global Day of Education

Administrator East Bay, Global

Free Speech, Free Press, Free Journalists!

Drop the charges, Stop the Extradition, No Endless U.S. Wars!


Nozomi Hayase, Author of Wikileaks, The Global Fourth Estate: History is Happening

  • Dennis Bernstein, KPFA Flashpoints
  • Shahid Buttar, Organizer and Activist
  • Mickey Huff, Project Censored
  • Andrew Kodama, Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice
  • Tom Lacey, Bay Area Peace & Freedom Party
  • Jeff Mackler, United National AntiWar Coalition
  • Cynthia Papermaster, CodePink
  • Rick Sterling, Task Force on the Americas
  • San Francisco Labor Council Representative

Prerecorded messages from:

Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Mumia Abu Jamal, Boots Riley, Alice Walker

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