Category: Global

Think Globally – Act Locally

Administrator Global

On April 11, 2019 British police kidnapped Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy after the Ecuadorian government agreed to sell him to the United States in exchange for financial aid. On April 10th global protests are planned to commemorate the 3 year anniversary of Julian’s abduction. We will post information to all local events as… continue reading »

Global Day of Education

Administrator East Bay, Global

Free Speech, Free Press, Free Journalists! Drop the charges, Stop the Extradition, No Endless U.S. Wars! SPEAKERS Nozomi Hayase, Author of Wikileaks, The Global Fourth Estate: History is Happening Dennis Bernstein, KPFA Flashpoints Shahid Buttar, Organizer and Activist Mickey Huff, Project Censored Andrew Kodama, Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Tom Lacey, Bay Area Peace &… continue reading »

Julian’s 50th Global Day of Protest

Administrator Global, San Francisco

Julian Assange has been detained in the UK since he was 39 years old. Threatened with 175 years in prison by the US Government, Julian has spent the past 2 years incarcerated in Belmarsh Prison on trumped up charges. Join us, during #AssangeWeek (June 26 – July 4), in a Global Day of Protest on… continue reading »

Global Birthday Vigil

Administrator Global, San Francisco

We join the global #Candles4Assange vigil to honor Julian Assange as he spends another birthday separated from family and friends – jailed and tortured in Belmarsh Prison, London. Now more than ever, and in the face of a global pandemic, Julian needs our strength and solidarity to ensure that his unlawful imprisonment for publishing the… continue reading »

“Storm HMP Belmarsh”

Administrator Global

A PEACEFUL protest to #FreeAssangeNOW Wrongfully imprisoned for publishing the truth, Julian Assange’s voice has been silenced by fearful governments. Together we can raise our voices so the truth will be heard and protest for Julian’s release. Please share this to help reach the target goal of 500,000 supporters attending! Find out more here.

Are you ready to help free Julian Assange?