Assange Extradition Hearing Verdict Release

Administrator San Francisco

Judge Vanessa Baraitser, who is presiding over Julian Assange’s extradition hearings, had acknowledged the political nature of Assange’s hearings and decided not to rule until at least after the U.S. Presidential election on November 3rd.

Written closing statement by the defense was due on October 30th, and a written closing statement by the prosecution was due on November 13th.

This decision will have lasting impacts on journalism in the United States and globally.

Join us, along with #Candles4Assange events world wide, as we come together in support of Julian Assange.

Please bring signs/banners/fliers if you have them, but mainly just show up. Safe distancing & masks please.

2 comments on “Assange Extradition Hearing Verdict Release

  1. Power to the people. The government works with THE PEOPLE’S MONEY, we, The People deserve transparency, as simple as that.

  2. This is No Accident…

    It is no accident that our Journalist who faithfully provided us real sources of information ~ exposing corruption & War Crimes within All Our Government(s) with pure unadulterated 100% Truth ~ have all been targeted “intentionally silenced” and Jailed and terrorized!

    Today All Our media is under Attack and is being censored 24X7 by the same Elites who continue to Profit by Terrorizing the World with Endless War, Theft, Assignations and global economic sanctions/warfare !!!! Julian Assange’s has been silenced, terrorized and Jailed right out in public view… intentionally! Not as a message to Julian… But as a message to All of us !!!!

    At this moment in History… We Need Julian Now more than ever!!!! We All live is a sea of Lies & Disinformation, PsyOps & Propaganda. That is all funded and perpetrated and benefited by these same Elites. Elites who have HiJacked & Bribed Our Politicians Rigged Our Elections and have Censored ALL Our Sources of Information. Today, Not only Julian Assange is Hostage…. But Today… YOU and, I and the entire Population are All being held Hostage!!!!

    These same Elites have granted upon themselves the Supreme Authority to issue Global Lockdowns… AND NOW….. DICTATE TO ALL OF US “ THE NEW NORMAL!!!! ” These Same Elites tell us now…how Our Lives will never be the same!!!! They tell us about their Plans for All of us!!! Their Plans which they claim in their opinion…. are the best interest of the World. “And they have labeled their Plan… “The Great Reset” WHAT THIS REALLY IS…. Is an Attack on All Our Sovereignty as Human beings !!! An attack on All Freedom! Another word to describe it…. “The Great Reset” is Our Enslavement.

    At this moment in History… It Is… Time To Sound the Alarm !!!!! Our Civilization and every one of us are all living on the Precipice of Enslavement…By these same people. This Orwellian Nightmare is Real !!!! And, IT IS HERE RIGHT NOW!!!

    The World Economic Forum Meets in Davos Switzerland January 25-29 2021>to discuss their Next Phase of their plans for our Populations and Our Lives… THEY ELECTED THEMSELVES ~ It seems their real agenda…. is more about protecting fortunes and their total grasp on the World Economies in order to continue more Endless War, More Corruption, continued Theft of Global Natural Resources , expanding International Assassinations and global economic sanctions/warfare !!!!

    These Elite Neoliberal’s & Neocon’s, are the ring leaders and Puppet Masters of Greed who are Intoxicated with Power… And Are Now playing God with their vision of the future of ALL OF US… “TheGreatReset” will be our Future… If we do Nothing in 2021…

    To Save Our Children, Our Freedom & Our humanity… We must fight all these Monsters to the very end !!!

    These Elites are the ones Holding Julian Hostage… are the ones pulling the strings internationally in Court rooms in the UK who serve nothing more today than a Draconian Circus of distraction ~ Devoid of any semblance of Real Justice. The Judges do what is needed to serve there masters not the rule of Law !

    Julian is not the Only One Held Hostage…. We Are All being held Hostage!!! …..

    When We free Julian Assange…… We will also Free Ourselves….

    We Need Julian Now… more than ever!!!!

    Gerard Ange’

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