Administrator Online Campaign, Online Event

Join Christine Assange and protest the brutal persecution of, her son, Australian journalist Julian Assange.

Write Free Assange on a yellow ribbon or material and share your support for Julian with the world! #Ribbons4Assange

Original graphic by Somerset Bean

Julian is missing in action, been taken hostage, and is being tortured by the US and UK for reporting war crimes.

2 comments on “#RIBBONS4ASSANGE

  1. I have a photo of me wearing someone’s yellow ribbon and was told I could contact a site to tell the person I represented them?! What is the name of the site please?

    1. Administrator

      The Real Person!

      Author Administrator acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      We’d love to share your photo but your email bounced- please contact us again? Thank you for supporting Julian Assange!

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