Free Julian Assange, before it’s too late.

Administrator Online Campaign

This is a global petition to Free Julian Assange and to stop the legal precedent being established of a USA Extradition for a non USA journalist that exposed USA war crimes. This petition invites everybody from every nation to sign and join this critically important campaign to Free Julian Assange and to save our Democratic rights.

If we allow Julian Assange (multi-awarded journalist) who is not a USA citizen and who was not in the USA when he published news to be extradited to the USA to face 175 years imprisonment and possible execution, then we no longer live in a democratic society. To allow Julian Assange to be extradited for his publishing in the public interest would place every woman, child and man in western society under USA extraterritorial authoritarian rule. History proves that this always leads to the next brutal dictatorship which will assassinate, execute or permanently silence any person that publishes evidence that exposes the “authorities” criminality.

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