Help Fund Chelsea’s Living Expenses

Administrator Online Campaign

*Note: This is the official campaign raising funds for Chelsea Manning’s living expenses. This campaign is being organized by her friend Kelly Wright. Funds raised here will go into a trust, where the money can only be used to pay living expenses. All funds will be held in trust for this purpose alone.*

Chelsea E. Manning is a network security and artificial intelligence expert, and activist. She is a former military intelligence analyst and political prisoner.

Chelsea was incarcerated at Alexandria Detention Center for nearly a year, due to her principled refusal to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the publishers of her 2010 disclosures. She was also fined $1,000 for each day she refused to testify, and those fines now total approximately $256,000.

On March 12, 2020, Judge Anthony Trenga ordered Chelsea Manning’s release after the apparent conclusion of the grand jury, but he further ordered that she pay $256,000 in fines that had accumulated over the course of her confinement.

A previous GoFundMe campaign to pay these fines was established on March 12th and that fundraising goal was reached on March 14, 2020. This fundraiser is NOT for the steep fines imposed on Chelsea, but rather for her living and general expenses necessary for reestablishing herself after a year of incarceration.

Chelsea is relieved to have the fines paid, but still needs help getting on her feet again. She is completely exhausted from this ordeal. She lost her apartment, was forced to put all of her belongings in storage, and was unable to earn any income whatsoever over the course of the past year.

Thanks for helping to provide a little peace of mind so she can take the first steps towards moving on with her life

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