The Prosecution of Julian Assange and the Fight for Free Speech

Administrator Online Event

Join us for an online panel discussion of leading attorneys, human rights defenders and social justice activists as the London trial of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is underway. If Assange is extradited to the United States, he faces the first-ever charges under the Espionage Act of 1917 for the publication of truthful information in the public interest. Speakers will present the critical legal and policy issues involved as well as rebut government efforts to undermine the reputation and credibility of Assange. In these difficult times for civil liberties and democratic rights we demand: Free Julian Assange! Defend Free Speech and the First Amendment!

Sponsors: Bay Area Julian Assange Defense Committee • National Lawyers Guild Bay Area • Courage Foundation  • United National Antiwar Coalition

Initial co-sponsors: CodePink Bay Area • Social Justice Center of Marin • Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section • Kevin Zeese, Popular Resistance, advisory board, Courage Foundation, past Steering Committee member Chelsea  Manning Support Committee • Marin Peace and Justice Center • Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

The Courage Foundation is an international whistleblower support network that campaigns for the protection of truthtellers and the public’s right to know. For ongoing updates, resources, and more information on Assange’s case, visit 

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